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Out Of Step

Posted on 01 Oct 2021 @ 8:59pm by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant JG Oliver Stevens & Commander Amelia Fox & Lieutenant Xu Chang Lau & Lieutenant C'Tora Kuroka & Lieutenant Syvar MD

Mission: Picking up the pieces
Location: Sickbay
2248 words - 4.5 OF Standard Post Measure


“Hey baby,” Oliver said. “I got here as soon as I could. You sounded serious. Is everything okay?”

He wondered if he was going to get dumped. Had he pushed things too quickly. Her tone when she had contacted him via comm. badge asking to talk straight away. It was reminiscent of an ex’s right before they had broken up.

The idea gnawed uncomfortably in his stomach as he took her in and gently, tentatively kissed her on the mouth. Something dawned on him as he pulled back to look at her.

“You look pale. Are you feeling well?”

She also … he chided himself for thinking this, but her clothes looked tight. Round her waist. He stepped round her to check his eyes weren’t going nuts. He certainly wasn’t stupid enough to mention something like that.

Xu was sat at the dining table in her quarters as Oliver entered. They had spent the night apart to give them both chance to absorb the news that they would be parents in what she assumed would have been approximately nine months. However as it turned out, and she still could not fully comprehend this herself at this point. Instead of voicing she simply stood up, her uniform pulled taught around her stomach to a point that it was evident she needed maternity wear already.

"I think the Doctor got his estimates wrong!"

Olivers jaw looked like it was going to drop off. "I think we better go back to the doctor. You look ... thats not just pregnant."

All she could do was nod her head, not allowing her eyes to leave his locking her gaze at him. She couldn't speak, even if she could what would she have said. Was something wrong with the baby, was it even a baby or had she picked up some kind of parasite on the last away mission... so many other thoughts flying through her mind, and she could even believe she could feel the baby kicking already.

"It will be okay Xu," he told her giving her hand up. "I'll come too. I'm sure there's a logical reason. Don't worry," he told her placing a comforting kiss on her lips.

In a moment of clarity xu started forward, Oliver taking her hand and with the other she tapped her combadge.
"Xu to Commander Fox, I'm on my way to sickbay Commander, I will be up to the bridge shortly... Something is... wrong with the baby!"
Her voice was wavering but she managed to hold together her professionalism.

Being heavily pregnant herself, Amelia knew that these first weeks were important times. She was also surprised to hear the news, this is what she must have mentioned to the Captain when she asked to see him earlier." Acknowledged Lieutenant. Don't rush, your health and that of your baby is paramount."

"Aye Commander, Xu out!"

The call ended and she squeezed Oliver's hand tightly but something beyond what she had been told was bothering her. Yes the baby could be in danger but she had a sense that this was all planned, expected.

The two worked their way through the ship, Xu holding back the sobs but unable to stop the tears falling as she found her bump was starting to make her waddle already. Still clutching Olivers hand and trying to ignore the curious looks of the crew as she went.

"Ollie, I'm scared!"

"I know. We are going to figure this out," He told her. "Just focus on staying calm for the baby."

They both approached a door which parted as they got close and entered sickbay at which point Xu couldn't hold it back anymore and allowed the emotion to take her over. Wracking her body with cries of worry and fear not only for herself but for the unborn life she now had nestled within her. She clutched her stomach, now feeling as they she was at least five months on into the pregnancy when yesterday the Doctor had told her no more than three or four weeks.

"Doctor, doctor," Oliver called out. "We have a situation. A strange situation."

Syvar was on call in sickbay and was just crossing wards when Xu and Oliver walked, or rather more or less seemed to stumble in. His eyes widened when he saw a very pregnant woman, instead of the slim person he had some recollection of. "Lieutenant?" he queried, rushing forward to offer assistance. He could very easily sense her distress, it was very hard not to sense it. But what it was for, he couldn't tell.

He reached out with a gloved hand, offering it for her to take. "What's going on, what's wrong?" he asked.

"Well it seems like Xu's pregnancy is progressing faster than it should be," Oliver said holding her close, trying to be a pillar of calm.

C'Tora walked into Sickbay. " Just forgot something in my office. " He looked up saw the trio at the bio bed. " Xu, Oliver. Is everything alright? " He walked around to where he could see. " In the blessed name of the goddess !! What's going on? Syvar have you run any scans as of yet? "

The younger doctor shook his head as he guided the woman over to a bed. "No sir," he answered softly, "they've just come in..." Helping her up, he motioned for, what he presumed to be her mate, over to her side. "I welcome your expertise sir," he added, while flipping open his tricorder.

" Syvar, could you run the scan please? I'm going to bring up her last check up on the monitor and compare them side by side. " C'Tora asked. Wondering what they would learn from this, because this situation was highly unusual to say the least.

"Ollie" her hand snaked out like a viper striking but instead of a violent end she laced her fingers through Olivers and squeezed. She loved this man more than she could voice but she was also scared, scared for herslf, scared for the life growing within her and scared what this could possibly mean for her, the baby and Oliver. "I'm scared!"

Syvar nodded as he gave the stricken woman a reassuring smile. "You have every right to be scared," he said softly, "but I promise you will be safe here in sickbay. We will do everything we can to make sure of that." As he spoke he allowed the scanning wand to run across her abdomen, a frown turning his upswept eyebrows into an almost solid V. "How long did you say you were pregnant?" He asked quietly, while consulting his readings, "because my scans show a gestation of approximately five months...."

C'Tora's ears twitched as he listened, without looking up from the monitor. " She was one week along when I examined her fifteen hours ago. Normal gestation for a human female is thirty six to forty weeks. " He looked directly at Xu. " I'm not going to lie to you, this has me puzzled. You are gaining a weeks time for every hour. Which means we have twenty to twenty four hours before your daughter arrives. Xu I need to confine you to Sickbay just in case you go into labor sooner then expected."

Still studying the readouts and trying to making sense of it. The child was perfectly healthy in all aspects, But none of it made sense. " Oliver, you might want to replicate a crib soon, and forget about painting the nursery since the paint won't have time to dry. " He tapped his combadge. " Doctor Kuroka to Captain Reynolds, we have an unknown situation in Sickbay.

“What kind of unknown situation?” Jon asked.

" Well Captain, It seems that Lieutenant Xu"s pregnancy in the past fifteen hours has advanced her pregnancy from one week to sixteen weeks and is gaining one week per hour. We should have her child in the next twenty to twenty four hours, If there are any further developments I will keep you informed. Doctor Kuroka out. "

Olivers eyes opened wide. This situation had suddenly become crazy. He didn't let go of Xu. "24 hours and we have a daughter?" He blinked several times. How was this happening?

Turning to Xu he placed both hands gently on her cheek and locked eyes with her. "Nevermind the how. Love we are going to get through this. Anything you need to be more comfortable say it. I won't leave your side."

Strangely she felt calm for the first time in, well she couldn't remember. She just knew that this was right. An uncharacteristic strength was flowing through her, as if she could take on the world with nothing but a flick of her hand, as if some unforeseen power was coursing through her.
"Ollie, I'm not afraid, this is meant to be happening and Doctor I will take your advise but I have no intention of hiding her in sickbay!"

The doors opened and Amelia entered. She had come down to sickbay from the bridge to see how Lieutenant Lau was doing. “I just came to Make sure you’re all….. My God!” She exclaimed as she saw the size of the Lieutenant. “What the hell happened you’re bigger than me now, I thought you were only a couple of weeks along?” Amelia said coming over, glancing between her and the Doctor.

Syvar waved his mate off. "Perhaps now is not the right time ma'am," he offered formally, "we should not pressure for information until we know more. She's in good hands with us, and we'll take care of her."

Amelia looked at Syvar for a moment and nodded. “Very well Doctor but I’m placing a security guard outside the door and keep me informed of any developments.” She looked back to Xu. “Syvar here is a wonderful Doctor and we have the best medical staff in the fleet. You’re in good hands.” Then to lighten the mood “I was going to tell you all about my experience and now it looks like it’s going to be the other way around.”

" Xu, I am not asking you to hide in Medical." Said C'tora coolly. " But there has been nothing usual about this pregnancy, and it is going at an accelerated rate that is mind boggling. How do we know that it won't accelerate again? Instead of twenty four hours it might be five if that happens, So you need to stay right here until the child is born for the safety of you and the child. I'd rather you do it on your own accord instead of me having to make it an order."

He paused to let his words sink in. " there is just to much about this pregnancy we don't understand the why and how's, And I need to assure your's and the child's health and safety. You'll be out of here before you know it."

“The doc knows what he's talking about love,” Oliver said as Jon arrived his mouth dropping upon seeing his ops chief.

"Fine, but I'm not staying locked up in here all the time... I need to move, walk... maybe go to any meetings. I'm pregnant, not terminal!"
Her ire raised at the Doctor and Oliver both ganging up on her, and also thankful that Commander Fox was here.

" Your right, your not a prisoner. " C'Tora said calmly. " Your pregnant. Walks are fine as long as someone is with you. No exceptions! " He said pointedly.
" Furthermore meetings are not for someone who is expecting a child in under twenty four hours. As of right now you are on medical maternity leave. The safety of you and your child come first. "

Amelia came over to Xu. "Is there anything I can do for you?"

"Strawberry shortcake with cream!" Xu looked at the first officer, the craving having taken hold moments before and she needed to consume her own body weight, or so it seemed, to sate her desire.

Amelia laughed gently "I'm sure we can sort some of that out."

Syvar walked up to C'Tora. "Perhaps Lieutenant Stevens is the best assigned person to keep an eye on her?" he queried softly, "otherwise I'm more than happy to stay on hand or at least within discrete distance should it be necessary." He glanced over at Amelia. "I'd do the same for my wife when the time comes..."

C'Tora's ears and whiskers twitched briefly, he then leaned in with a grin and a hushed tone. " I like your thinking Syvar. That would take care of a number of issues and keep our expecting mother to be calmer. " He turned with a serious expression. " Lieutenant Stevens, Due to the unusual circumstances of your mate's pregnancy, I will be contacting your superior and asking him to excuse you from shift duty due to the imminent arrival of your firstborn. I'll have a nurse bring a comfy chair for you. " He turned to Amelia. " Better yet... Commander Fox, Your the Executive Officer. I would like Lieutenant Stevens excused from shift duty today please. "

"Of course. I'll make the necessary arrangements to have you both removed from active duty for the time being." Amelia said as she looked at Xu and Oliver.

Oliver nodded. This was all happening very fast. "Yes Maam," he said squeezing Xu's hand again.


Lieutenant Oliver Stevens
Transporter Chief, USS Andromeda

Lieutenant Xu Chang-Lau
Chief Operations Officer

Doctor C'Tora
Chief Medical Officer

Commander Amelia Fox
Executive Officer

Ensign Syvar
Medical Officer - NPC: Datari


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