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What makes a Son'A tick

Posted on 07 Jul 2019 @ 1:15am by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant Commander True Keading
Edited on on 07 Jul 2019 @ 1:49am

Mission: Mission 1 - In the pale moonlight ...
Location: Captains ready room
Timeline: MD2 04:15
1391 words - 2.8 OF Standard Post Measure


The away team had been gone a few hours, Jon had retreated into his ready room to report to Starfleet HQ that they had been held up on their estimated time and why. He also took the opportunity to replicate some breakfast. Ok it wasn't typically breakfast time but he was starving. That piece of cake at the party seemed years ago.

He ate some porridge and then noticed his counselor was still on the bridge. He assumed she would have returned to bed. "Reynolds to Keading. Would you come into the ready room please?"

"Certainly Captain," True responded, touching her badge again so the channel disconnected. It did little to theorize what he wanted before going on. The only thing she was sure of was she wasn't in trouble because she hadn't done anything yet. She entered the room. "Yes sir?"

"I just wondered if you had had a chance to review the Son'A footage yet and what your thoughts on this mystery moon were," he said simply.

"I have reviewed the footage, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me so far. The individual looks ill though, even more so then the last time we saw the Son'a. But I don't have a reason yet why they would have done such a thing. It doesn't mean there wasn't a perfectly good reason in their minds, I just don't know what it is. And that frustrates me." True said, sitting down before she had permission.

"Well these ones have been off Baku a lot longer. Perhaps their rejuvenation attempts are getting harder to manage. Dr Hope might be able to shed some light when shes done her autopsy," Jon said. He looked at her. She seemed a mix of nervous and determination that she was going to solve this mystery. "Tea True, May I call you True?"?" Jon asked. Perhaps it would make her more comfortable he mused.

"Yes, I actually prefer it when people use my name rather than my title." The word tea focused her attention. She loved tea and she sighed.

"Lets face it theres not much to go on at the minute. More speculation. I think the reasons likely to be the same as 20 years ago. They are angry they got cast out. My guess is they have ventured further out the direction we are now going, seen a lot of black and gone squiffy perhaps.

And," Jon shuddered, "well all that skin stretching and medical voodoo they must be doing to stay alive from missing their home planets unique radiation. Its got to have some affect mentally," he suggested. "My guts telling me we will see them again though,"

"Squiffy?" True couldn't help but let out a little bit of a chuckle at that, it seemed most unprofessional. "Absolutely. They're desperate but I know they also have a plan and it's driving me crazy that I just can't magically think of what it is."

Jon got up and ordered two cups of tea. He placed one down in front of her. "Don't let it. It will all unravel in the goddesses plans," Jon said simply.

True took the tea gratefully. "Goddess?" She asked carefully. Having never been raised around any religion she found the subject fascinating.

"Ah yes, you were young when you left Betazed. You probably don't remember the goddesses. The planets main religion. There are four. Gaea the great mother, Kali, Astraea and Malifik. The weave in and out of your life, each bringing different challenges and experiences," Jon grinned. "I have the four statues in my quarters."

"How lovely, I will have to look them up." And True sincerely meant it. She sipped her tea, it had certainly calmed her down. But she wasn't sure what else she could bring to the conversation at the moment. "You know it's funny, usually I'm the one asking the questions and trying to get the other person to have some tea."

"Is its a bad thing?" Jon asked.

"No, It's . . . unnerving. I always consider myself in total control and yet, I will lose every time to you, who can probably read my thoughts with little effort. It's a switch but it's not a bad thing. I guess the events on Yorktown and Rhea have me more rattled that I thought. Maybe you should have been a counselor, you're doing a pretty good imitation of one." True grinned at him. "Tell me more about these goddesses."

"I can point you to some books and holoprogrammes on the Goddesses," He shrugged. She was actually telling the truth about being interested. "I owe you anyway, you agreed to help me learn how to fence. The least I can do is take you on a trip through Betazoid beliefs."

"Well, as I'm sure you know. I've never done it in my life, so I'll be learning right along side you. We can fail miserably together. But sure, that sounds good. I always enjoy learning about systems of belief."

Something True had said earlier just registered properly with Jon. "Sorry you said earlier I could read your thoughts?"

True frowned a bit. "Can't you?"

"Oh no, your quite safe. I'm half betazoid. My gifts are empathic. Although I'm sure knowing I can sense your emotions will also put you on edge. It does fairly everyone. I don't go looking and if I catch anything I rarely comment. Unless I really have too ...… I can do telepathy with some species and my own of course but I cannot go looking for and pulling out your thoughts. Please relax on that score," He told her.

"Ah. Sorry for the misunderstanding then." The idea hadn't really bothered her, it had just made her think that she wasn't going to be able to get away with using some of her regular techniques in counseling. She brought her tea up to her lips again but stopped just before drinking and eyed him carefully.

Jon said nothing for a long moment letting her eye him up and try make sense of him.

True finally smiled. But she didn't say anything.

He sipped his own tea and then remembered something he meant to speak to her about.

"True we have a new security chief joining us. I have made a quick staffing change. Haulval is going to be solely intelligence. The lady in question is a few weeks post partum with a daughter and just lost her husband. She wanted a new start and I needed a good security chief. It was like the goddesses lined it up.

Naturally though, she is likely to be feeling the effects of recent events and in need of some support although unlikely to request it I imagine. I wanted to ask you personally to keep a close eye on her. Help her ease in. Perhaps you could introduce her to some other mothers?"

"Of course. I'm not very familiar with a lot of the crew yet but I certainly could ask around. I'm sure there other parents who would be glad to help as well. I would be happy to help, I have a little bit of experience with loss as you know."

"Thank you," he said. "How are you settling in?" he asked sipping his own tea.

True nodded, "Pretty well I think. I haven't had to tie anyone up or drag them into my office yet, I consider that a pretty friendly ship," she joked. "And there are a few people I know from the last assignment. It's good to see them again."

"Yes that's always good. There's a couple of people who my twins worked with before and recommended when names came up," he nodded. "In fact I need to go see one of them down in medical."

"And have you had your physical yet? Doctors love to pick on commanding officers for that reason. I'll talk you down there, I haven't had mine."

"Well actually I have had mine. Setting the precedent and all," He chuckled. "But I'll walk with you. Theres another doc I want to go meet." He gulped down the last of his tea and stood up. "After you."


●● Lieutenant True Keading
Chief Counselor
USS Andromeda

●●● Commander Jonathan Reynolds
Commanding Officer
USS Andromeda


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