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The Masquerade Game

Posted on 05 Dec 2022 @ 2:37pm by Lieutenant Cassandra Higgins-Stevens & Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari & Lieutenant C'Tora Kuroka & Lieutenant JG Ron Bumble

Mission: Through the looking glass
2023 words - 4 OF Standard Post Measure


Ron was flabbergasted the more he read his counterparts notes just how close he had been with things. His counterpart and the events here yet different but still beating him to it. But the best part was they had a potential way home.

With Cassie following Natasha into her room the intendant turned to look at her. "Would you like to have a change of clothing before you do your official tour of the station? I am waiting for word of Osil having caught the imposter. He should have done so by now, as he is rather efficient. Sometimes he can get bored and its not a good thing. I've got something that would look marvleous on you, you, your grace, and the color would look grand with your skin tone. It doesn't look good on me, don't worry I've not worn it, just held it up to me. And would make people know that you are in great favor of the Emperor. The unwashed masses do not need to gawk at your divine beauty." actually giving a small curtsey.

Cassie couldn't deny that something more robust around her assets would be a very welcome change at the moment. Not only was the station on the chilly side for someone in as close to a state of undress as she was but she was also tired of the glances from passers by.
"You do keep this station on the cold side so yes that would be most pleasing!"

Natasha had a pleased expression on her face. Her acceptance of the dress will do well to keep her in the Emperor's good graces.

Ron cocked an eyebrow briefly distracted at the idea of Natasha in a dress. He caught himself and started downloading all of his counterpart's research across to his AU Spec tech that was apparently their version of the Federation PADD.

"Anyone who has any decent connections or Intel on the Emperor and how he runs the organisation would already be aware of our mistresses elevated position," he directed at them.

Natasha called back, "Ah but, her not wearing something that anyone can see her assets would cause some jealousy to occur. Besides he'd probably have my head if I even allow any disrespect to Lady Cassandra. Perhaps that is the reason why this was sent to me, something that wouldn't be worn by me, as usual it is a test." Natasha said quietly.

C'Tora looked at Natasha and nodded in agreement. " You are correct in assuming that the Emperor would indeed have your head for allowing someone to disrespect Lady Cassandra. The last person who dared disrespect her took three long agonizing days before he died. First I started by cutting and peeling off all his skin in strips, followed by removing all his fingers and toes. The Emperor ordered me to be creative after all. I then used a kinetic pulse device to break his bones one by one. " C'Tora sighed. " Some time during the bone treatment he died, such a shame too. I really wish I could have done more, No matter his Imperial Majesty was pleased with the work done. "

He turned his attention to Cassandra. C'Tora knelt and bowed his head. " Lady Cassandra, When do you wish to begin your inspection tour of this facility? Do you wish for me to contact that bald little troll and get a protection detail together or travel with those that are here currently? " He asked his mistress and awaited instructions.

"As you see fit Tora" she said playfully but pleading him with nothing more than her eyes to make sure he never left her side.

Natasha layed out the outfit upon her bed, then went to change into more suitable clothing. She was having a difficult time to get the dress buttoned up all the way. "Ron, would you help me with the last two buttons." calling for her Major Domo.

While Natasha waited for Ron's help she walked over to a communication set and paged Osil.

"Chief Haistro, have you captured that imposter yet? It is most troubling to me to have someone mimicking my major domo and consultant. It is making me most insecure and you have been the one who has been tasked to make certain there is no trouble." Natasha stated. She awaited his answer.

While Natasha waited she turned to the big Caitian bodyguard. "Good heavens you were not able to get information that way. Very sad indeed."

C'Tora's gaze turned to Natasha, his cool jade eyes settled upon her. " The point was never to get any information from the man that showed disrespect to Lady Cassandra. His Imperial Majesty ordered me to teach him a lesson and to make sure he suffered and was never able to do such again. He dared insult the Emperors favorite consort and as a humble servant of his majesty, I followed my orders and he was pleased with my work. I would do so again if I were ordered to do such again without hesitation. " He stated in a neutral tone as if he were talking about the weather.

"Yes intendant," the long awaited response from the Betazoid sounded, "my guards have found and detained him. Should I bring him to your chambers my lady? His protests are divine, he claims to be your loyal servant, and that the person with you is the fake one."

Cassie just observed the Intendant, like a wild cat eyeing its prey, waiting for a sign of weakness. Her fingers still curled around the hypospray in her pocket waiting for her moment but now was not it, not with Chief Hasitro heading this way. Instead she remained silent as she started to slip into the Dress that this women had offered her, its emerald huge radiant with the colour of her hair, she quickled donned the dress and replaced the jacket which had the hypospray in it.

"I need to interrogate him," Ron stated firmly. "He has managed to get hold of secret work I have been involved in for the Emperor."

"Chief Haistro, please escort him to my private interrogation chamber. And once that is being done, Give her ladyship a tour of the facilities." she turned to Cassie, "That is if you are wanting a tour of the establshment. Or perhaps avail youself of a performance? A troupe of performers have arrived that has been said it is of great worth seeing." Natasha giving a bow towards Cassie.

She then turned to Ron, "And once the imposter is safely residing in my interrogation chamber, we can interview him, and find out who he really is."

"Have Chief Haistro bring the imposter here... I'm sure my guard would be more than capable of subduing him should he try anything" Cassie chipped in, wanting to bring everyone together rather than splitting the group. "The tour can wait for later, if there is time!"

Natasha gave a nod. "Yes your ladyship, I will see that it will be done." she then amended her request to Osil. "Bring him to my quarters instead, Chief Haistros. " then turned to Cassie. "As you wish, my lady."

Ron watched the AU version of Natasha. In his mind the staff were very quick to suggest bringing his double to her quarters. Like it was nothing. And the way she watched him. He has already found his AU doubles personal files as to what she was having him do and assumed there was more to their relationship.

He took a risk, "And after we do question him, I think we need a conversation too don't you Attendant? Perhaps about the perfume business?"

Natasha slowly gave a nod, "Yes, I would very much like to speak about the perfume business. Once Chief Haistros brings the imposter to my private interrogation chambers, you can speak with him, I can speak with him as well." giving an almost imperceptible look of longing towards Ron.

She turned to Cassandra. "Hmmn Lady Cassandra, instead of taking a tour." an idea then popped into her mind. " I do have a suggestion. There is a woman I would like you to meet, her name is Kaylee, she has been wishing to be your handmaiden. She isn't too far away, so maybe you can give her an interview to see if she would be to your liking?"

C'Tora perked up as he heard at this information. " She won't be coming anywhere near Lady Cassandra until she has been checked and cleared first. Until I can establish that she has no weapons, poisons, explosives or bio weapons at the very least. Should she have any weapons upon her, I shall find out who sent her and then inform his imperial majesty. " Said the large Caitian as his ears flattened back and his eyes narrowed. " I'd like to know how she knew you were here in the first place. " He looked to Cassandra. " Do you wish for me to clear her or send her away? " He asked.

"Send her away... I have no need of another servant!" Cassie dismissively waved a hand, anxious for this Osil to arrive with the other Ron.

At that point, the Betazoid guard arrived, pushing his prisoner ahead of him. "Move," he barked, shoving the Human forward, "and kneel before your mistress!"

Natasha was surprised as to seeing the imposter and how much he looked like her Ron. "How dare you... How dare you try to replace my Major Domo." she said with a rather scathing tone. "And you doing so with Lady Cassandra being here. Are you intending to infiltrate and cause me some great embarrassment? I may let my Major Domo deal with you personally, he does have ways to make a person talk." she said with great fervor.

"Oh believe me. We need a one to one," Ron said

C'Tora moved behind Cassandra as he watched the other Ron being brought in before them. " And should he fail to extract the desired information from the imposter, Then I shall do so. " He said with his tail swishing excitedly from side to side, like a cat enjoying toying with his prey.

"Im sure hes going to cooperate," Ron said fiercely.

" He better. " Was all C'Tora said. He had read the file on his mirror opposite when he had the chance. Some of the things he learned had sickened him about the vicious and brutal bodyguard, He had to play his part even though it disgusted him. They needed the results of this investigation, the captain and crew were counting on them so they could go home..

"Well then, Mister Bumble that will be in your hand, go ahead and use my interrogation chamber, while the rest of us will have a bite to eat or I take a nap. I am feeling just a tad bit tired. That is if it is all right with you, Lady Cassandra." Natasha glancing towards Cassie, then to C'Tora. "And if you don't mind Constable, would you to check on the other items? The care packages that have been sent here and may need your security clearance."

" Food is a good idea. " Said C'Tora. " I tend to get a little irritable when I'm hungry, no where near as nice as I normally am. I might even eat someone who annoys me. " He said.

Osil said nothing as he stood and watched them, his obsidian eyes traveling over each and every one of them as their behaviour struck them as a little odd. He rested his hand on his weapon, casually so as he waited for instructions. As he did so, he let his senses wander, his eyes lingering on Cassandra and C'Tora as he sensed something odd about them. Something wasn't quite right, so he focused his attention on them in the hope of catching more stray thoughts.

END... To Be Continued...

Lieutenant JG Cassandra Higgins
USS Andromeda - Ships Counselor

Lieutenant C'Tora
USS Andromeda - Chief Medical Officer

Ensign Ron Bumble
USS Andromeda - PNPC: Reynolds

Intendant Natasha Blackthorn
MU Sempok Nor - PNPC: Hawkins

Constable Osil Haistro
MU Sempok Nor - PNPC: Datari


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