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Dream time

Posted on 23 Aug 2019 @ 3:27am by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari & Lieutenant Emmony Safford

Mission: Mission 1 - In the pale moonlight ...
Location: CO's ready room
Timeline: MD6 21:00 (After monolith turns to dust)
992 words - 2 OF Standard Post Measure


Jon walked back onto the bridge and immediately headed in the direction of his ready room. "Lieutenant Datari with me please, my ready room."

Sighing, Aidan secured his station and followed, standing at attention as he waited for the captain to speak.

Jon settled in his chair. He could sense the Trill had no idea what was going on. "At ease Lieutenant and take a seat."

Still very tense, the Trill sat, watching the hybrid on the other end of the desk closely, watching his body language.

"It's not escaped my notice that you are seemingly exhausted. And somewhat ratty. The later condition I'm hoping is a side effect of the tiredness. What's going on with you Aidan?" he asked.

"Just exhausted," the Trill answered honestly. "I'm pulling very long days to decrypt this thing we found, and whatever short nights I have are made even shorter with all these nightmares. I'm terrified I'll hurt Emme if this keeps up. I'm trying to take naps in between but I'm just not getting to them and these nightmares just seem to be getting worse."

"Right well we can't have that situation continuing," Jon said firmly.

"Whereas I commend your work ethos, I don't want my senior staff …. no any of my staff making themselves ill. You have a whole department Aidan. Don't try and do everything yourself and don't overlook your basic needs. Sleep, eating, home life balance. Yes I'm direct and want things done but not at the extent of your wellbeing. If you feel I have put too much pressure on you it was not my intention. I apologise if thats the case."

"I thought I was doing what was expected of me. I know I have a whole department and I do have them do things but I'm still the best linguist on board... It's just these nightmares that..."

"The nightmares have been horrible on everyone but I am hopeful now that "things" seemingly disintegrated that its the end of them now. We will keep an eye on that. But more importantly you need sleep. So I'm ordering you to go rest."

"But sir!" the young Trill protested, "who'll get those samples in then?"

"Your going to delegate it to someone to do while you are sleeping," Jon said calmly. He really hoped the Trill wasn't going to turn out to be a precious chief always wanting to personally do things. He was going to burn out if he went that route.

"Then I'll need Emme to do it. She's next best qualified." He crossed his arms over his chest. He barely knew the rest of his team, and still felt he was the best person for this job.

"Make your wife do it," Jon said incredulously. "No. Shes going to want to know your okay and be with you. Not collecting dust. What are you thinking? Right no, Aidan no more arguments. Your assistant chief can take over and your going to bed."

"I haven't assigned an assistant chief," Aidan prompted, "and I think she'll want to do it. I don't need her to stay put just to watch me sleep. Sherlock can do that for her."

"Nope," Jon said simply. He touched his comm. badge. =^=Reynolds to Safford. Can you come join me in my ready room please.=^=

"Now assign an assistant chief, even if its just a temporary one," Jon said to the horrified looking Trill. "Thats an order."

"There's only one person I fully trust with my department, and that's Emme," Aidan replied stubbornly.

Emmony stopped outside the Captain's ready room with a bit of apprehension. She had no idea why she'd been called. Pressing the chime she stood back and waited to be allowed entry.

"No," Jon stated again. "Shes the one person I am not letting you assign that role to right now. And you will thank me for it later. So pick again."

"Come," he said to the door. "Ahh Emmony. Your husband needs to sleep. Very very badly. Hes being stubborn at present and has evidently been burning the candle at both ends. I'd like you to talk some sense into him and take him home before I have to order a security team to escort him from the bridge to your quarters," Jon said simply.

Emme raised her eyebrows. "Yes, he's had trouble with nightmares lately sir. I guess that would be an order then." She held out her hand to Aidan. "Come on, I have something to talk to you about anyway."

He took her hand but shook his head. "I wanted you to take my place while I'm ordered off duty," he said, "but he said no. I don't know the science team well enough to appoint someone. You're much more on their you know anyone suitable enough?"

"Perhaps Lieutenant Sutton? I've worked with him a few times since coming on board, he seems capable and well . . . he's the not the type to become overly excited I don't believe. He has a bit of experience."

"Fine of now he's assistant chief of science," Aidan reluctantly agreed. "Let's go home..."

Emme was used to be dismissed but Jon hadn't said anything. Still, she thought it best to get these two separated so she gave him an apologetic shrug and followed Aidan out of the ready room.

"Make sure he starts eating properly too," Jon called after her.

"And learns he needs to wait to be dismissed in future," he muttered under his breath. He was seriously beginning to wonder if at 24 Aidan Datari was too young to handle the pressures of being a departmental chief. He would be keeping a firm eye on him for future.


Emmony Safford
Science Officer
Pnpc by Keading

●●● Commander Jonathan Reynolds
Commanding Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant Aidan Datari
Chief Science Officer
USS Andromeda


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