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Posted on 06 Jan 2020 @ 12:22pm by Ensign Gwen Leighton & Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov

Mission: Mission 2 - The Agora crossroads
Location: Captains ready room
Timeline: MD8 09:00
722 words - 1.4 OF Standard Post Measure


"Come," Jon said knowing who his appointment was with. "Lieutenant, Ensign please take a seat. So this is the young lady you wanted me to meet?"

Rose nodded, "That she is, I've been keeping an eye on her ever since I arrived and I can definitely say that the Ensign has some potential in her"

"Relax Ensign," Jon said with a smile sensing some nerves. "I have only heard good things but while your here. Tell me a little about yourself and what you have been doing onboard since we launched."

Gwen wasn't sure how he meant to, 'relax'. Did he mean her posture or her anxiety? Either way, neither was going to be shifting anytime soon as her nerves were tingling hence her posture was rigid, "About myself?" She repeated slowly as she formed her thoughts into coherent function, "Well, this Ensign is a fresh graduate of Starfleet however technically I can say I attended longer than most as both my parents work onsite and I helped run the child care center. I'm pretty sure I was on a first name basis with all my instructors long before I ever enrolled. Not that they went easy on me. I was married for three years and have been widowed now for almost five. This is my first assignment and I'm pretty sure I was a little over eager to prove that I wasn't 'old' as I've been called since I re-organized and re-categorized the armory and it's log in procedures on my first shift. I also noticed a distinct lack of detail in some of the shift reports and brought it to attention. That one.." She winced slightly, "that one didn't earn me any favoritism points with my fellow security members."

"an eye for details, strong work ethic, dedication to her craft, willingness to go out on a limb for a good cause, I would call these excellent traits for a department head" Rose said, summing up her own opinion.

Jons eyes connected with Belikovs as he understood what she was saying. He was somewhat nervous though at appointing an ensign fresh out of the academy in a senior chief role though.

"Perhaps a department head in training," he mused. It could be done. Hell his ex wife was even finishing her final year of the academy under the tuition of his senior stellar cartographer. "Under your supervision Lieutenant. You take Ensign Leighton under your wing, give her some further responsibility. An apprentice type thing. And if and when we think she is ready then we can talk department heads."

Gwen quietly listened, her eyes moving between both parties as they spoke. She did her best not to let her face betray her excitement at the opportunity that was being presented. It was golden, in a manner of speaking. There was no denying it wouldn't be easy to command respect with her lack of technical experience but she'd be damned if she let anyone show her up while she was in charge. Well....partially in charge.

Rose nodded, “that is acceptable. I’m sure Ensign Leighton will be up to the task”

Jonathan nodded. "I want a weekly get together you and me Lieutenant. So you can appraise me of your evaluations. And Ensign, I will be taking an interest. I may even venture down to security to see your performance with my own eyes. I used to work in security you know."

Rose gave a nod than looked to Gwen, “are you ready Ensign? The path ahead is not An easy one”

"Easy isn't fun," Gwen said with a grin, "I am more than ready, Lieutenant." She looked to the Captain, "And you're welcome to venture down anytime, Sir. Your experience will be welcomed as I learn."

Jon nodded. He hoped this was the right call and the ensign proved herself to them. "Is there anything further both of you?"

Rose shook her head, “not right now”

Gwen shook her head, "No Sir, thank you."

With that the two took their leave of the Captain's Ready Room.

●●● Commander Jonathan Reynolds
USS Andromeda

○● Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov
Intelligence Officer
USS Andromeda

● Ensign Gwen Leighton
Apprentice Chief Security / Tactical Officer
USS Andromeda


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