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Part 1: Meetings an Unstoppable Object with Limited Force

Posted on 29 May 2020 @ 7:59pm by Lieutenant JG Lilura Karakalakss & Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari & Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov

Mission: Mission 4 - Race against the machine
Location: Deck 5: Science Lab - Configured for Weapon's yields
Timeline: MD3 - 1400 Hours
1683 words - 3.4 OF Standard Post Measure


DECK 5 - Configurable Lab 0504 - Setup for Weapon Yields and Material Impacts

Inside lab 0504, Lilura nodded to an engineering crewman to be ready to hand out refreshments, padds, as well as update results by the labs and Deck 11 - Holodeck 1103. She had engineering crew running simulations with the three styles of attacks she discussed on the bridge, as well as being ready for any information about the Klingon Hargh'peng torpedo that Rose found out from the Intel Network. With the three ships gathering together just after 1000 hours, she figured 1400 hours (2 pm) would give time for other meetings and allow for some formulation of plans, besides giving her time to run simulations in holodeck 1103.

She leaned back on her tail in a relaxed repose and waited to see who would be joining first.

Vern knew his people were talking Jon's people about taking down this Planet Killer but as there wasn't a lot for him to do at the moment, he was curious about some of the ideas and thought if nothing else he might be able to offer an opinion or hold someone's jacket if things got desperate. "Oh hello, I hope I'm not interrupting. You weren't expecting me. My name is Vern Keading, I'm the captain of Europa."

Lilura looked over and auric read a male Terran nervous system as she focused onto his body to see a 6 foot, Brown haired, Blue eyed Starfleet officer, command, with 4 pips denoting Captain. Before Vern was a 'dragon' lady, albeit without the wings, and furred instead of scaled. She came up off her 'tail chair' and bowed respectfully, "Greetings Sir, I'm glad to meet you. I am Lt. Lilura Karakalakss, Assistant Chief Engineering Officer for the Andromeda, at your service." Her tail reached out to point at the refreshment service stand by the Crewman Petty Officer 2nd class as she asked, "Would you like a drink while we wait on the others to join us?"

"No thank you," Vern raised his eyes a little bit at that. Drinks during a meeting?

Though in charge of all the science labs, Aidan wasn't sure he approved of one being converted to investigate the yield of a weapon of astronomical proportions. Still, he walked into the configured lab, carrying his mug of tea. "Hi," he greeted those gathered.

Standing at a console off to one side of the lab, Rose was keeping herself busy searching for any information on these planet killers they could use to either disable or destroy it. Hearing Aiden's greeting, she quickly glanced over her shoulder at him before returning to the intel feed.

Lilura replied to Aidan, "Good afternoon, Sir, we are almost ready. I am still waiting on the Merlin's Chief Engineer to join us. However, while waiting," Lilura cleared her throat and said, "This is an impromptu Brainstorming meeting. We are here to throw out anything that comes to mind and discuss its merits on affecting that beastie nearby before it takes out more planets. Thus, we have this lab for creating highly likely events from weapons to maneuvers to throwing asteroids, and then doing simulations with those events to see how we fare. So, to help with that, we have refreshments. Any questions while we wait on the Merlin's CEO?"

"I'm only here to hear what your ideas are," Vern said holding up his hands, "Don't let my rank make you nervous, I'm merely curious."

"Maybe a round of introductions?" the Trill science chief suggested as he looked around over the brim of his mug.

Standing up from her chair, Rose turned around to face the others, "if there are to be introductions, I shall start, I'm Lieutenant Belikov, Chief of Intelligence."

"Vern Keading, I command the Europa and well . . . . I'm True's brother." He assumed everyone would know her by her first name, she was that kind of person.

Now that he gave the other man a closer look, Aidan could see the connection to the chief counselor. "Lieutenant Aidan Datari, chief science officer," he introduced himself.

Lilura gurgled gently in her chest at finding the Counselor's brother on board and in her lab. With the others having gone, she added, "I'm Lieutenant Lilura Karakalakss, Assistant Chief Engineering Officer, and acting Chief Engineering officer of the Andromeda at this time. Now, as Lt. Rathburn, CEO of the Merlin, hasn't arrived yet, shall we get started and fill her in when she does arrive?"

"This is your show, I'm just observing," Vern held up his hands and gestured for them to continue while he choose a seat well away from everyone else so he could just listen.

Ron Bumble, current acting Chief of Science of the Europa, managed to bumble his way finally into the science lab having gotten lost. "Apologies … " his eyes set on the Dragon lady. Of course he had heard about the dragon lady but seeing them in the flesh was something else …. "Lieutenant. I didn't mean to be late. Oh …. Captain …." he said nervously spying his CO sat there. Well this didn't look good.

"I didn't know you were attending. Let me just ….." he picked a seat. "Lieutenant Bumble at your service. Science chief of the Europa."

Vern gave him a single nod. Not very happy with his lateness but there was probably a good reason. The man did seem to be a little disorganized sometimes though.

The door opens once more, with Michael stepping in. He looked at those already gathered giving a friendly nod to those that were there. " Greetings, I am Chief Operations officer of the USS Andromeda, Ensign Michael Hawkins. Oh good it looks like I am right on time." smiling towards Lilura. "I wanted to make certain I got to be in on the action as well."

“Any longer and you would’ve been late Ensign” Rose said, intrigued by who was here attending this think tank.

Michael looked over at Rose, giving her a smile. "Just glad I arrived, this is certainly something I would need to be involved in. "

“Gotta keep a reasonable track on logistics ehh,” Ron nodded at him, “Bunch of scientists and engineers, we get together and can blow right through a ton of kit. I get ya.”

"I do believe the idea is to come up with a way to stop, and indeed, blow up that monster out there," Aidan pointed out, "though I'll admit that pyrogenics are not my area of expertise, it's not a language I understand at all." He shrugged. "I'm a linguist by trade."

Lilura gurgled once again. She chimed in with, "I'm an Engineer, Xenotechnology/Travel Field Technologies/Power Core Technologies/Computer Systems expertise. So, not really weapons, but with understandings of Xenotech and Power Systems, I have several ideas to go with. Shall I list my ideas out first? And then, Lt. Belikov has information on a way to help my second idea have more power and oomph, and since you all have information and ideas, we can add to existing or come up with even newer. However, we are up against a very dense hull material, maybe even neutronium. So, any ideas are for pummeling the insides through that hull. So, me first?"

Michael nodded taking a seat, to listen to the ideas presented.

Lilura now listed out her three ideas. "First: Our phasers are very much more powerful than the old constitution class from the original encounter with one of those things. Probably not enough for that hull, but if we overcharge the phasers by 33%, factor in a multiple modulation shift frequencies according to feedback along the phaser streams, and tune into those with the most interchange damage, we should be able to cut through any material, should, but if not, at least weaken it a little for another type of 'oomph' against it."

"Second Idea: Our photons are again more powerful than the old Enterprise's. If we overcharge and up the yield in the Photons by 50% to 75%, and then target the same weakened spot we used the phasers on, again, we could get through, or, hopefully, weaken the hull further, and maybe make a bid dent and knock out some internal systems. And, here is where Lt. Belikov's idea comes to fruition with making the Photons more powerful than what I said."

Rose thought for a moment, “although I am no expert in our weapons, I don’t think there is anything we can do without creating an explosion large enough to do more damage than good in order to break through that things hull. Neutron Ilum is the strongest material we know of, no one has been able to brake it. However with that said, the interior of the weapon does seem to be more fragile than its shell. A few high yield quantum torpedoes may be enough to disable it”

Lilura continues, "Third: We throw a big rock at it. Here is how: we use a tractor slingshot maneuver to throw a large asteroid into that hull. We approach at low warp speed towing as large as an asteroid we can tractor, then perform a high intensity turn to speed up the asteroid and release it at the end of the whip maneuver to speed it up to translate to a slight wormhole effect that is now targeted on the density of that hull so that the beastie can't run from it. When the asteroid impacts the hull, it may not penetrate, but that big of a release of kinetic to potential energy into that hull could stress fracture, maybe penetrate, but try and knock things around to hopefully take that planet killer off line. So, what do you think?"



●○ Lieutenant JG Lilura Siana Karakalakss
Assistant Chief Engineering Officer
USS Andromeda

● “ Ensign Michael Hawkins“
Chief Operations Officer
USS Andromeda

●○ Lieutenant JG Rosaline Belikov
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant Aidan Datari
Chief Science Officer/2nd Officer
USS Andromeda

Ron Bumble
NPC Jonathan Reynolds
Chief of Science USS Europa


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