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Senior team brief

Posted on 13 Jun 2019 @ 1:17am by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Commander Amelia Fox & Lieutenant Mitchell Graham & Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari & Lieutenant Commander True Keading & Lieutenant JG J Haulval & Lieutenant JG Lilura Karakalakss & Lieutenant JG Naiya Hope Dr

Mission: Mission 1 - In the pale moonlight ...
Location: Observation Lounge
Timeline: MD1 08:00
2464 words - 4.9 OF Standard Post Measure


They were due to embark in an hour but first Jon, having been informed all the crew he had been awaiting to join them at the station were onboard wanted to have a brief with his new Senior team. He scheduled it nice and early, and was the first to arrive in the observation lounge. Some nice crew member had ensured that there was tea and coffee ready, so he helped himself to a mug and sat down and waited for everyone to arrive.

Amelia was next to arrive. She felt well rested after a surprisingly good nights sleep. As she entered the room she acknowledged the Captain. "Morning Sir. Looking forward to getting out into the great unknown?" She asked as she picked up a cup of coffee.

"There's no tiptoeing into the great unknown number one. I looking forward to us going boldly," He quipped.

Aidan stopped short in the doorway when he realized that after the CO and XO, he was apparently the first to arrive. He held his breath for a second, he had hoped to just sneak in and not be really noticed. But here he was, so he softly expelled his breath and walked up to one of the vacant seats. "Sir... ma'am.."

Having made herself a large cup of tea this morning with extra milk. True felt as if she might be able to start the day. She'd nearly overslept which was rare for her but she supposed it was to be expected with the move and the issue she was dealing with in her personal life. "Good morning," She said with a smile to the others already seated.

Into the lounge strode a 6 foot 6 inch 'furred Gorn?' with her ears and hair making her appear even taller. She was holding a mug of coffee already. She came over to the group where the Captain and XO were. With them was a trill male and a terran female she did not know. So, in a way to help out, she smiled as she glanced at them, then looked at the Captain and said, "Lt. Karakalakss, Chief Engineering Officer, reporting Sir." She went to the table to take a seat by the new girl. The actual large size of her mug was now evident, it could easily contain a pot of coffee, and did. She gestured towards it and said, "Brought my first cup so others could have some. After this, its every officer and enlisted for themselves for that precious black gold found in them there Carafes beside you all."

The Trill scientist's eyes widened at the sight of the new arrival. He'd never seen anyone like her before and a hint of excitement flitted across his tanned face at the prospect of learning a new language.

Lieutenant JG Haulval, the ship's newest security chief, entered next and sat down in the next available seat, which happened to be adjacent to the counselor. "Doctor Keading," he greeted quietly before also throwing acknowledgement to the science officer, executive officer, and captain with almost imperceptible nods. On the engineer, his gaze lingered for a moment only because he'd never actually seen a Soliodaran in person before.

Jon clocked the Chief engineers shoes as she sat down. "Nice boots Lieutenant. Glad to see you treated yourself with your winnings. And ladies, there's plenty of tea and coffee," he commented.

Lilura grinned as a rumble sounded from her chest. She has used a couple of the latinum bars to commission a set of boots with titanium-gold alloy slides for her not retractable foot claws to slide through while not reacting to her body's defenses. There was a compression alloy slide at the base of her heel for her poisonous dew claw to shove through for when needed. It was retractable. She demurely said, "Now I have boots fitting for my race, Capitan. Thanks again for believing in me."

"I believe in all my officers Lieutenant," Jon said simply.

"That was a good place to walk into the conversation" Naiya Hope commented as she arrived, beaming at her friend the 'dinosaur lady' and nodding respectfully at Jon and Amelia in greeting. She looked around the full table and also said "Good morning" to the three new faces she hadn't yet met (nor seen in her Sickbay for their medicals yet, she made mental notes).

Starting with the Counsellor whom she recognised from the profile she had received on her, Hope said: "Lieutenant Keading? I'm Naiya, we're going to have to do a fair bit of planning once you get settled in. Have you seen your office yet?" she held out her hand to welcome True.

"Yes Ma'am, it was the second place I visited once on board the ship. Nice to meet you, you can call me True."

"Thank you True, I will but please call me Naiya as well" Hope responded with a warm smile.

Mitchell Graham strode in. "Good morning," he said to all assembled. He glanced at the refreshments but passed them up for now. He'd help himself after.

"Right as much fun as it would be to do a ice breaker …. I'll be honest its not really my style," Jon told them. It really wasn't. He had never been keen on those.

"You will all know each other a lot better in due course but for now, and due to time constraints too with us launching in less than an hour - a very quick round the table. Myself - Commander Jonathan Reynolds I think I have met everyone now, The XO Lieutenant Amelia Fox, Second officer Lieutenant Naiya Hope also our Chief Medical officer, Chief Engineer - Lieutenant JG Lilura Karakalakss," he hoped he managed to pronounce that one right as he indicated the tall Soliodaran and kept going round the table, "Chief Helm - Lieutenant Mitchell Graham, Chief Science - Lieutenant Aiden Datari, Chief Counselor - Lieutenant True Keading and our Security chief Lieutenant JG Haulval. Lieutenant Haulval will also be doubling in an intelligence capacity as well," he informed them.

He let them absorb that for a moment, allowing Fox to start sliding the pile of PADDs he had brought with him across to them all. Jon stood up and walked to the info screen pressing a button so it fired into life.

"We have our official orders, our first mission being two-fold. We are going to this region of space and will be placing a communications relay. That's the easy part, or so I believe. We also," he pressed another button and object j-57AZ0-9 popped into view, "Are going to try find out what this … object," Jon settled on until they had a name. Referring to it as object j-57AZ0-9 repeatably was going to be annoying, "Is. This is the closest image Starfleet have managed to get and all long range scans have come up nothing. Thoughts?" He put it out to the table.

"Sir," Graham said, "how far apart are these two mission objectives? Will we leave a team to set up the array while the ship investigates the object? Or vice versa?"

Jon replied "They are in the same sector."

Amelia squinted her eyes as she looked at the image. "That's the best picture they could get? It could be anything. It looks like giant domino. If these readings are accurate it's over 300m long."

"Is there anything clear enough about the readings to indicate if there is life on board?" Naiya asked, hoping it might be operated mechanically or better still by AI. She did have a big interest in AI and all their varying forms and degrees of advancement.

Before there was a direct answer to Hope's question, other queries arose as well.

This surprised True. And generally few things did. "Some kind of new ship we've yet to discover?" She asked hopefully looking for a first contact situation to take her mind off of her personal life. "Perhaps a marker, or a storage device such as a probe."

Lilura was looking at the object, then said, "Captain, does this object actually move to remain away from sensors? Is it in a hostile territory so we have not been able to get close? At the extreme range of probes before they run out of power? Or a combination of this?"

Jon took a sip of his tea. "No the object is fixed in place, it's just all our long range scan can't penetrate the object."

That answered Hope's query too.

Aidan studied the somewhat hazy picture. "I'll set long range scanners on it so we can try to get a better reading. Do we know anything about the chemical composition? Anything that might prevent us from getting a better image to begin with?"

A Voice suddenly came over the comm system =^=Bridge to Observation lounge, We are being hailed by the Starbase, audio only. It's the security officer for Lieutenant Fox.=^=

Upon receiving a nod from Reynolds, Amelia answered =^=Put it through in here.=^=

After a brief pause..... =^= Lieutenant Fox, it's Ensign Brooks. You were inquiring about a transfer of the Son'a prisoner. I'm afraid that won't be possible.=^=

Amelia frowned =^=And why is that?=^=

=^=I'm afraid she's dead. She ingested a Felodesine chip during the night, she must have had it on her somewhere. There was no antidote.=^=

Amelia had to bite her tongue to stop herself shouting back at the comm. After a moment she replied tightly =^=Understood. Fox out.=^=

Amelia paused before shouting "SON OF A...... YOU THINK THEY WOULD'VE SEARCHED HER." She took a moment and a deep breath to calm herself, then looked at Reynolds in regards to her outburst. "Apologies Captain. Now we're back to square one."

"Not necessarily." True spoke up again. "Would it be possible to have all recordings of the prisoner while she was in captivity. I could review them and see what I might be able to discover about her.

"Remember that we do not know the extent of Cetea's membership. We cannot yet rule out that the poison was not passed to her or administered after her arrival in the brig," Haulval noted, one eyebrow raised. "The surveillance should be carefully analyzed for any signs of alteration or missing periods of time."

"That's a very good point," Jon agreed. "Number one, see if you can get that body in our morgue." He turned to Naiya, "Doctor if that's possible, do an autopsy, see if you can determine anything that will help rule such things out."

Amelia nodded. "Aye Sir, I'll see to it."

"Aye Sir" Naiya echoed "as soon as they can get the body to us, I'll put everything else on hold" she confirmed, subconsciously thinking that put paid to her clever idea to get all those routine medicals done in the first days they were on their way. ~oh well, why had an ACMO if you can't ask him to help out?~ she thought.

"Lieutenant Hauval get a hold of that surveillance footage and see what you can determine," Jon ordered.

"Aye, sir," Haulval replied succinctly.

"Lieutenant Datari, have Science aiding security in analysing the logs,"

"Yes sir," the Trill replied without pause.

"Engineering, the ships in final preparations for departure. Please make sure all systems are online and ready for go. In our Cetea investigation can you get one of the defused devices or the specs and see what you can make of the technology?" He asked Karakalakss.

Lilura nodded while her left eyebrow moved up as her tail tip came around to stroke along her right muzzle side. She replied, "All systems will be ready sir. As far as the improvised explosive devices, starbase Security will be loath to part with them... however, I think I can pull some strings and get a complete holodeck reconstruction scan for our use." Her tail dropped as she finished with, "Yeah, I'll get it done."

"Counselor, you review those recordings and let me know what you find," Jon told Keading.

"Of course sir." It was going to be one long night of extra tea, watching body language and putting pieces of a puzzle together but True was very much looking forward to it."

"Lieutenant Graham, you have a pretty important job right now. Don't scratch the paintwork," Jon joked.

"Shouldn't be a problem, sir," Mitchell said with a good-natured smile.

"Also one last thing, the XO and I will be hosting a little unofficial reception this evening in the Medusa's head. Just to toast the Andromeda's maiden voyage and our first night in space. Attendance isn't mandatory and I certainly won't be doing any icebreaker exercises but you are all very welcome to come raise a glass," Jon informed them.

"Thank you Sir" Hope acknowledged, taking that to be a dismissal and rising to go, picking up the PaDD they'd each been given for further study.

Haulval really wasn't sure that he would attend the social function or not, but he understood the invite. There was much work to be done between now and then, anyway, on top of a great number of other projects the captain had already asked him for. He also stood up and took the PADD with him.

Graham nodded his understanding and also stood to leave. Sure the captain had declared it not mandatory, but he had extended the invitation personally. As a member of the senior staff he knew he'd better make an appearance.

Aidan stood too, but hesitated. "Sir, is this just for us, or are partners welcome too?" He was certain Emme would love to go to a party.

"Yes," Jon nodded. "Please issue the invitation to your wife. I look forward to meeting her."

Aidan smiled brightly. "I'm sure the feeling is mutual," he said before darting out.

Lilura stood up and replied, "I'll be there, I never turn down food, drink, and a chance for socializing." As she left, her tail moved up to wave to those still in the room as she called out, "See you soon."


●○ Lieutenant JG Lilura Siana Karakalakss
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant Aidan Datari
Chief Science Officer
USS Andromeda

○● Lieutenant JG J Haulval
Chief Security / Tactical Officer / Intelligence Officer
USS Andromeda

●○ Lieutenant JG Naiya Hope
Second Officer / Chief Medical Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant True Keading
Chief Counselor
USS Andromeda

●●● Commander Jonathan Reynolds
Commanding Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant Amelia Fox
Executive Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant Mitchell Graham
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Andromeda


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