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Bad moon on the rise?

Posted on 30 Jun 2019 @ 5:47pm by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Commander Amelia Fox & Lieutenant Mitchell Graham & Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari & Lieutenant Commander True Keading & Lieutenant JG Lilura Karakalakss & Lieutenant JG J Haulval & Lieutenant JG Naiya Hope Dr

Mission: Mission 1 - In the pale moonlight ...
Location: Bridge
Timeline: MD2 00:14
2039 words - 4.1 OF Standard Post Measure


Jon entered the bridge ...

"Captain on ...." the officer on watch started standing up straight. Jon held his hand up. "Coffee someone please. And no need for that. Yes I'm here."

Yeoman Phillips darted off to oblige as Jon reached his chair and Amelia Fox made an appearance.

"Fox you know anything about a gravitational surge?"

"Only in the sides of my head sir,"

The yeoman appeared with a mug, Jon thanked him and immediately handed it to the XO. "You clearly need this more than I do." Yeoman Phillip's thought it prudent to dart off back to the replicator again.

Amelia took a long drink of the coffee and blinked a few time "That's the stuff. Thank you Phillips."

A very sleepy looking Trill arrived on the bridge; one who hadn't bothered to change into his uniform. His pajamas were wrinkled, his robe haphazardly thrown on and his hair was spiking in every direction. He was yawning and rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, still not awake enough to notice he had nothing at all on his feet. "What's going on?" he asked sleepily.

"Gravitational field and unexpected moon," Jon caught him up. "But first your going in to my ready room to replicate a uniform," he indicated that direction. "And shoes Lieutenant. This is a brand new carpet."

"Huh?" The Trill blinked a few times. "I'm not sure what shoes have to do with a brand new carpet sir," he countered, "nor the necessity of a uniform in the middle of the night."

"Ok I'll make it an order, get yourself in uniform. You are on the bridge," Jon stated firmly. "It might be the middle of the night but we are now on duty. There is a situation."

Again the Trill blinked, gave a half-hearted salute and disappeared. He returned a few minutes later, still looking sleepy, ill-groomed but otherwise properly dressed. He yawned openly as he made his way to his station.

Haulval entered the bridge while Datari was out and quietly replaced the gamma shift tactical officer. He took over and read across initial tactical readings, which were admittedly pretty bare, and awaited further updates.

The coffee having cleared the fuzz from her head, Amelia turned her attention to the viewscreen. "Helm put us in a high orbit and what's the story with the warp drive?"

"Working on it," Graham replied.

The impulse engines were not working, but the maneuvering thrusters were. As the thrusters worked on compressed air and ion fields, they were slow, but would get them there, eventually. =/\= Bridge, Engineering, a Massive Gravitational Field with Warp Dampening characteristics has caught us. Thank your Deities that our navigational fields are tied to emergency batteries, because only that prevented us from pancaking on the moon before us. We have APR emergency power active, and Impulse will be up soon, but AWR and Mains are offline till we can figure out the source of interference and filter it out. Now, if you will excuse me, I am rather busy right now. Engineering out.=/\=

Amelia tapped her comm badge =/\=Acknowledged engineering. Keep us informed.=/\=

Amelia looked at Lieutenant Datari "Can we scan the surface?"

Aidan nodded, though he smiled at the yeoman as he gratefully accepted the hot coffee that was offered to him. He set the mug aside on his console, after taking a big gulp of the delicious black gold. "Yes ma'am, scanners are already running, I should expect results momentarily."

The young Trill frowned as the readings started to come back. "Well... all I can see for now is that there don't appear to be any life signs here. Scanners can't seem to get any readings beyond that, I can't get any surface readings just yet. Maybe they'll take a little longer."

While not required to be on the bridge, as chief counselor she had access to it and True wanted to know what had caused the lurch in the middle of her sleep cycle. The more she knew the more she could prepare people for what they were about to face and could deal with the consequences later. She entered the bridge and spoke softly to the captain, "Request permission to sit out of the way sir?"

"You have a dedicated seat to the left of me Counselor. I would prefer you used it when your time allows you to be on the bridge and didn't hide anywhere. You are an important part of my senior team and bridge crew," Jon responded back to her just as softly.

True blushed, she supposed she would have to get used to the idea. But the previous ships she'd worked on had bridges that were differently designed and she hadn't really spent much time on them except for that fateful day on the Yorktown. She sat down and pushed that thought away quickly before it distracted the Captain.

Syvar was still rubbing his head as he walked in sickbay. As the ship had ground to an abrupt halt, he had been thrown from his bed. He had made hard contact with something though he wasn't sure whether it'd been the nightstand or the floor. Either way his head was hurting and he was feeling nauseous.

Naiya had been on night duty so it wasn't such an awakening to her but it had still been quite unexpected and alarming. She had checked with the Bridge already and been told there was an incident and that she would be informed of any further developments as soon as these were established. She relayed that to Syvar, word for word and offered him a coffee. "Are you alright?" she enquired noticing that he seemed a bit unsteady on his feet.

"No," the young Vulcan answered promptly as he accepted the coffee. "I hit my head on something and I don't even know on what. It was very sudden and now I feel sick." His normally bright green eyes seemed a little dull and his expression spoke volumes rather than being totally unreadable.

Passing a med-corder across the Vulcan Lieutenant's brain Naiya could instantly see what was wrong.

"The readouts say you have a mild concussion Sir. You'll need to be supervised overnight and the nausea is in for the night too, I'm afraid. A huge headache in the morning as if you were drinking tonight and some temporary iritis and eye symptoms. You may find your vision blurry or just constricted at the edges of your sight but again, nothing permanent." Hope explained, medicating and allocating him a bed for the night.

Engineering was a very busy place. If one was not used to concerted damage control teams leapfrogging to the next area, it would look like a frantic and chaotic place. As it was, it was a very controlled Chaos. Lilura came over to the Main Power Reactor, also known as the Warp Core, and asked, "Anything new with overcoming the dampening effect?" The temp ACEO shook his head, "Nada.. it's strange. The core is up, sustaining itself, but there is no power for the ship leaving it. It just doesn't make sense." Lilura nodded, "Keep on it."

=/\= Impulse Control, Engineering, what do you have?=/\=

=/\= We are getting there, Lt. You were right, once the impulse reactors failsafes were untied to the warp core status, they are coming back up. We should have impulse power and engines shortly.=/\=

=/\= Very good. Remember, when they get past 25%, first thing is to recharge our depleted batteries. As long as the Bridge doesn't report a maneuvering emergency, we only let them have Impulse Engines after batteries are restocked. With impulse online, the ship is only at 8% of power, and there is a lot of drain on that.=/\=

Lilura sighed, thinking about the power design for the vessel. Everything was around the Warp Core being online. When off, the ship was at 18% of power, but that was with AWR's online as well, which were 10% of that power, which would be used to charge Photon torpedoes for firing. Problem is, if anything disrupted the Warp Core, that would also disrupt the AWR's, taking the ship down to an rather anemic 8%.. which was what she found herself in. Lilura growled lightly to herself, then said, "Okay, set up an AWR for test modulation tasks, lets see if we can come up with a shielding scheme or Harmonic Modulation type to cancel out the dampening field."

Amelia stood and moved up to the science station behind Datari. "Is there an atmosphere down there?"

Aidan turned his head ever so slightly to look up at the woman leaning practically over him. "Ah... no ma'am, there doesn't seem to be an atmosphere."

"There looks to be something down there," Jon said hearing their conversation and indicating to the view screen showing the part of the moon they were currently orbiting. "Lieutenant Datari can you pinpoint down onto whatever that structure is?" He asked.

Aidan squinted at the main screen, then back at his scanners, confusion crossing his features. "I don't understand sir, scanners aren't picking up any kind of structure but clearly visual says something's there. How....odd.."

"Number one, start putting together an away team. Go take a look at whatever that is," Jon ordered.

"Aye Sir. I take it I'm not going to have to fight you on leading the away team yourself?" Amelia quipped.

"Oh it's not that at all Fox. I've just never been fond of environmental suits. I find them very constricting. Don't think I will always let you have all the fun," Jon replied seriously.

Amelia snorted a response "We'll see about that! Datari and Haulval you're with me. Let's go and try on some EVA suits shall we?"

"What?" Aidan turned, sheer surprise on his face. "Right now? It's the middle of the night..."

Amelia sighed "It's always the night somewhere Lieutenant so Chop Chop!"

The young Trill sighed miserably; this was so going to mess with his sleep and training cycle, not to mention his duty shift tomorrow! "Yes ma'am..." he murmured unhappily.

The XO chuckled "Cheer up Lieutenant, It could be worse..."

Haulval was immediately replaced at the tactical station by another tactical officer and walked toward the turbolift to wait for the others. He was simultaneously surprised that Aidan would question orders so outright on the bridge and unsurprised -- he had always found Aidan to be rather short-sighted in their interactions.

"Such as?" Aidan shook his head as he followed after powering down his station. "No, don't answer that."


As they got to the turbolift Jon stood up and said after them, "Fox be careful."

=/\= Bridge, Engineering, you have impulse power. It is not enough to escape this gravitational field, but you can orbit and shift around the moon all you like. Be on the lookout for other heavenly bodies incoming... this field will sooner or later capture more... and we don't want to be in the vicinity when it does. Engineering out.=/\=

As the lift doors opened Amelia turned to Reynolds "Aye Sir." She tapped her comm badge again =/\= Fox to sickbay. We could use a Doctor for an away mission. Have them meet us in Transporter room 1 and they better be comfortable in a EVA suit. The air is a bit thin where we are going.=/\=

=^= I'll see to it myself, Hope out =^= Naiya answered and did a quick handover before picking up her Med-bag and making her way via the quickest route to the Transporter Rooms.


●○ Lieutenant JG Lilura Siana Karakalakss
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant Amelia Fox
Executive Officer
USS Andromeda

●○ Lieutenant JG Naiya Hope
Chief Medical Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant Aidan Datari
Chief Science Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant True Keading
Chief Counselor
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant Mitchell Graham
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Andromeda

●●● Commander Jonathan Reynolds
Commanding Officer
USS Andromeda

○● Lieutenant JG J Haulval
Chief Security / Tactical Officer / Intelligence Officer
USS Andromeda


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