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First night party - Part 4

Posted on 30 Jun 2019 @ 5:46pm by Captain Jonathan Reynolds & Lieutenant Commander Aidan Datari & Lieutenant Commander True Keading & Lieutenant JG Lilura Karakalakss & Lieutenant JG Naiya Hope Dr & Lieutenant Emmony Safford & Lieutenant Syvar MD

Mission: Mission 1 - In the pale moonlight ...
Location: Medusas head
Timeline: MD1 20:00
2010 words - 4 OF Standard Post Measure

Previously on First night party- part 3

"Only my husband doesn't like doctors." Emme joked. "Pleasure to meet you," she offered her hand. "I'm Emme, this is Aidan. And Sherlock, which I'm sure you already noticed." Emme held out her arm so Sherlock would hopefully land on her and calm down.

And now the continuation ............


The blue glided down to settle on Emme's arm, reaching to nuzzle her cheek affectionately. Aidan smiled as he offered his hand, which felt cool to the touch. "Ma'am," he greeted politely, "and I like doctors fine. My own sister is a doctor you see, it's just the facility I don't really like."

"I can see why that might be" Naiya laughed softly. "Not a lot of people are in there for reasons they'd choose to happen." She smiled. "I was just going to ask you about Sherlock.... He's amazing! I would love someone like him... may I ask where you got him?" She hadn't heard him say anything about the Blue until now and with this sudden appearance and protective nature of the little chap's bravery in defence of his master, she was very impressed.

TAG Jon/Eddie/Others

Now that the creature's actions had been explained, albeit indirectly to her, Lilura felt her family protective instincts finally calming down. With everybody now doting on Eddie and the talk now focused on the earlier shrieking menace, Lilura took a few more steps away. Her fangs and wrist dewclaws disappeared, however, she noticed there were drips of venom on the floor. Lilura discreetly grabbed a bar rag with her telekinesis and wiped away the spots. To anyone watching, a bar rag flew of its own accord over to where three goldish red spots were on the floor by Eddie and the group around him to wipe up those spots. It then dutifully flew over to a replicator and into it to be disposed of.

That task performed, Lilura settled facing the bar. She threw back the contents of her liquor glass in one swallow, then began playing with the glass while waiting for the bartender to notice so she could get another quad shot. She glanced at the dance area, wondering if tonight was a write off, or if there would be any music and dancing.

"Are you all right Lilura?" True said approaching her with concern.

Lilura sensed the counselor approaching the bar, but paid it no mind as she was probably after a drink. However, when True asked her question, Lilura realized that True was coming over to check on her. She turned back around to smile at True and replied, "Heya True." She motioned towards her large liquor glass and continued, "Thanks for asking. Yup, I'm fine. The Captain's kitling is safe, which was paramount." She shook her head, "Still, that pet almost became a meal... I don't think the Science officer realized how protective I.. my race is over kitlings. Our planet is a natural predator/prey environment.. we have to constantly be on the lookout for threats to give our kitlings a chance to grow up... *she snorted out in a humorous laugh* I'm still coming down from going into fight and protect mode. That critter is very lucky." Lilura shook herself, then asked, "Do you dance?"

"Eddie wasn't in any danger. Sherlock was concerned about your teeth." True switched subjects fast though when she asked about dancing. "Rarely. The last time was with my partner, we are no longer together."

Lilura hrmmed, but before she could ask if True wanted to dance with her, Eddie managed to break away from the gaggle around him to come over.

"Aww thats sad Lady," Eddie said having been listening. "Let me take you for a spin," he offered. "And then your turn Lilura," he said cheekily. "But maybe keep the teeth inside. The adults seemed to get somewhat frenzied."

Lilura Gurggle-laughed, "Yeah, frenzied for sure." She looked at True to see what her response to Eddie's offer was.

True glanced at him, he appeared perfectly serious. Though she'd seen how he reacted to some of the females in the room, it couldn't possibly hurt to have one dance right? "You can dance can you? Alright," said, giving in and offering her hand.

"Of course I do," Eddie said taking her hand and putting his other one round her waist. One look from his father made him raise his hand a little higher. "All the men in my family know how to dance. My grandmother insists on it. She says that "One step, two steps, three steps; like winds of time experience joy of centuries, when movements become revelations of the dance of destinies." he grinned at her.

"Well your grandmother is a very smart woman. The question is can you talk and dance at the same time? Were you raised on Starships?" He was by no means done being raised, she knew how young he was and hoped this was nothing more than a simple dance for fun.

"Slowly yeah and your other question - a little. When I was really young me and my mother were based on Betazed with Grandmother. When dad .... well when I was about 7 or 8 we started living on whatever starship my dad was posted on," he told her.

"I'm glad you got to experience some planet time. Although I was born on Betazed, I grew up on Earth and I had a lot of adventures trying to hide from my brothers and talk to all the animals I could find. It was a great place to grow up."

"I wish I had a brother," Eddie said sadly. "I have a sister but I've never met her .... oh I'm not supposed to talk about that. It just causes upset."

"You can have one of mine," True joked. "Ah, well then we won't mention that around your parents. But you know Eddie, if you ever want to talk about anything, my office is always open. Anything you tell me remains in the strictest confidence."

"Thank you," Eddie grinned as the music stopped. "I'm sure I will see you again. Thank you for the dance." He bowed slightly politely as any betazoid man should in the presence of a beautiful lady. "Think I will go fuel up again before my next one," he winked at her darting off.

"You're welcome," True grinned and watched him dash off. He really did have a ton of energy.

Jon went and got another couple of pieces of cake and returned handing one to the doctor. "Cake Naiya?"

"Oh, well I shouldn't" Naiya blushed "But I can't resist, it looks so appetising." she agreed and reached politely towards the plate he was offering.

His eyes flitted to the door and he chuckled to himself. It looked like Amelia's dress had done its job.

"My son is seemingly charming the ladies. I'm not sure if I should be proud or not," he commented watching Eddie dance with True.

Sherlock hooted indignantly at not being offered any food and promptly stole the cake before Jon could literally hand it to the doctor. Aidan's eyes widened as the blue zoomed off with his prize. "That's..." he managed, casting the others a look that was a mix of shock and apology.

"Sherlock!" Emme said very disapprovingly. "That's just rude, you ask for something." Emme blushed as she turned towards the captain. "He's usually not so . . . misbehaving."

"I hope not," Jon said seriously. "I am rather fond of my nosh you know." He went back to the cake and took another piece keeping one eye firmly on the little dragon.

"Thanks Dad," a blur of blond ran past him grabbing the cake out of his hands. Jon looked round at his new work colleagues trying not to laugh.

Naiya shrugged. She had said she wasn't supposed to have any cake and it did seem that was true. The Goddess had her ways.

"Third times the charm," he stated returning from the cake again. This time he used his fingers and stuffed the cake slice in his mouth. No one was getting this one!

Naiya went back to socialising with the other new crew that she hadn't met yet.

Lilura had made her way to the end of the bar, keeping a distance from the knots of people conversing and socializing. She took a sip of her newly poured quadshot of bourbon as she studied the dancing style of Eddie and True. While Lilura was a dancer, her styles of dance were different due to her having a tail. Her roommates at the Academy loved to go out dancing with her when they discovered she would readily dance with women besides men. Irian told her one time that another reason they liked hanging out was that Lilura's presence helped keep away undesirables and let the ladies choose who they would chase. So, as to not startle or make people feel 'threatened', she had learned to just stay to the side until approached, and that was why she was to that proverbial side while waiting for her turn to dance with Eddie, or True, or both.

A young Vulcan approached her from the side, green eyes bright with curiosity. He was so focused on the woman that he didn't notice her tail. He wouldn't be able to remember later whether he had tripped over it, or stood on it and then lost his balance because he honestly didn't know. However he found himself being launched forward even before he could mutter a polite greeting.

Lilura's senses tracked the young humanoid getting nearer to her, but as, thermals denoted male, he had not spoken yet, she kept her attentions elsewhere. And then, it happened, she had stilled her tail so as to not accidentally trip him, expecting him to see it, and he hadn't. He stepped up onto it, and her tails immediate reaction was to sweep away, causing him to tilt forward towards her.

Lilura's tail swiftly snaked about his waist and stopped his plunge by picking him up slightly. She now turned to him and noted pointed ears, so Vulcan or Romulan, and now she was glad she had used her tail and not hands as neither species liked to be touched unless absolutely necessary. She crouched a little as her tail now gently lowered him to the floor onto his feet as she asked, "Are you okay? Nothing hurt? Sorry about the tail.. I thought you had seen it."

"Whoa!" the Vulcan exclaimed, a startled look crossing his face as he was caught and set back on his feet. "Ah..I'm fine ma'am, I really am. I'm sorry this, are you alright? I'm not exactly sure what happened here ma'am, I'm sorry. I just... I've never seen anyone like you before." He bit his lower lip as he realized he was babbling. "I'm sorry..." He offered her a gloved hand in very Human fashion. "I'm Syvar."

A gurgle came from Lilura's chest after he finished his spiel. She smiled to him as she held out her hand to shake his in return. She replied, "Hi Syvar, I'm Lilura Karakalakss, Chief Engineer." Her tail unwrapped from his waist and held itself near his eye level. "And, as you can see, my tail is fine, no harm done." She stood back up to full height and added, "Race, Soliodaran, from the L'Tandrey Protectorate. I'm waiting on a dance, but until then, what would you like to talk about?"


●●● Commander Jonathan Reynolds
Commanding Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant Aidan Datari
Chief Science Officer
USS Andromeda

●● Lieutenant True Keading
Chief Counselor
USS Andromeda

●○ Lieutenant JG Lilura Siana Karakalakss
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Andromeda

●○ Lieutenant JG Naiya Hope
Chief Medical Officer
USS Andromeda

○● Lieutenant JG J Haulval
Chief Security / Tactical Officer / Intelligence Officer
USS Andromeda


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